A Lifetime with AVFx HUB

We like to call this the One-Time Offer<>One-Time Solution service.

Unlike most other professions, the Trading profession doesn't exactly ​have an organised sector or association where traders can rub minds ​with experienced colleagues, sharpening your minds and constantly ​getting motivated for success.

AVFx HUB recognized this need and came up with this explosive ​service that offers Lifetime Membership, Access and Mentorship all ​in one.

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Become a Lifelong Member of all that concerns AVFx HUB and most ​importantly of our Trader's Community. Iron sharpeneth Iron!

May your light and passion for success never go dim even as you ​attain your desired success



Instantly have Access to all courses, videos, materials and other ​educational packages owned by AVFx HUB for LIFE.

You never need to be worried of missing out on new innovations in ​the Trading Profession


Get the expert advice and opinion that you need in your Trading ​Journey through proper one-on-one coaching and guidance for a ​period of SIX MONTHS until you gain independence as a Trader.

Basically, you have your Mentor to yourself until you be one a PRO!

Who Do We Serve?

  • Individuals willing to learn how to trade
  • Beginners who ventured into trading without full information or insight and find themselves struggling to succeed
  • Traders who are facing challenges in their Trading Career and are seeking a breakthrough

Your Benefits

Trading Signals

Trade Signals and Analysis from our ​experts.

Live Sessions

Periodic live sessions from the ​Mentor to keep you constantly ​updated and sharpened.

Creative Awards

Awards and motivation to keep you on ​your toes for success. Our Mentees are​ not permitted to be average​


Through this, programme you will learn about your unique trading ​strengths, styles, times and psychology and how this connects to your ​profitability in trading.

You will develop special trading skills and risk managements that ​best suits you. Most of all you will perfect the skill of making ​Consistent Profit

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A Mentor

Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, ​and a push in the right direction.

~John. C. Crosby

With AVFx HUB Mentor's experience and ​relationship with Mentees, more effective ​techniques of mentoring have been employed ​with a standard curriculum and high ​availability for Mentees.

"One-Time Offer<>One-Time Solution"


2022©AVFx HUB ° All Rights Reserved

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(234) 703 479 2247

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